Basic Court in Békéscsaba, Hungary

Basic Court in Békéscsaba, Hungary

Basic Court in Békéscsaba, Hungary

Békéscsaba is a small town in the South-East of Hungary with a bit more than 60.000 inhabitants. For more information check here

The Basic Court („járásbíróság“) has jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases.

In criminal cases the court has importance through the border with the Romania in the vicinity of the town. Therefore most criminal cases deal with trafficking in human beings, illegal crossing of borders, smuggling of goods – product piracy, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol -, falsified traveling documents. You find the court of Békéscsaba here.

The picture shows the „Justitia“ in the garden of the court.

Postal address: 5601 Békéscsaba, Pf. 131.
Address:  5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 4.
Telephone: +36-66/321-211
Telefax: +36-66/322-846

The higher court competent for the basic court is in Gyula.

In case you have a problem at the court in Békéscsaba, you can contact us here.

Dr. Donat Ebert

Ügyvéd - Rechtsanwalt (HU, D)

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